Where Find Culprits …

Somewhat maybe ‘hidden’, less-known, less thought of, locations, where lots of and/or big files can hide.

Folder E.g. size Comments
$HOME/Library/Application Support/ 181 GB !! MobileSync/Backup/ – iPhone backups(?)
$HOME/Library/Caches/ 4.9 GB Not sure ….
$HOME/Library/Containers/ 8.9 GB Any use of Docker? (com.docker.docker), com.apple.mail
$HOME/Library/Developer/ 6.5 GB Doc, tools support. Not very much to do about w/o messing with dev env.
$HOME/Library/Mail/ 1.3 GB (Mail/V7/) Don’t use Mail.app as repository, mail is a transportation mechanism…
$HOME/Library/Messages/ 1.7 GB (Attachments/ Like email/Mail.app, don’t use Messages.app as repository, SMS/iMessage is transportation mechanisms…
$HOME/Library/Thunderbird/ 6.3 GB As any other email application, view not as repository but transportation mechanism/technology.